Friday, November 2, 2007

LIVE Trials

Here is the URL to watch the trials live.

I won't be able to watch the race live because of this 5k I am doing so I am wondering if anyone will be taping NBC or the live stream on the internet? Any computer geeks know how to make a video file to view later?

I have a wedding to go to tomorrow afternoon, but would like to somehow watch the race before then.


  1. I am pretty sure that I read that it will be archived. I could be wrong and that may be for Sundays race, but I am never wrong.

  2. According to USA T&F " This is a LIVE webcast only! There will be no on-demand replay available."

    I am going to try and find some freeware program that can record the stream.

  3. This is a pain. The trials streaming video is not supported for Mac. I may end up going down to the store to watch.

  4. Wow Sell ran an amazing race! I kept getting messages from the St Francis guys during the race; I am pretty sure they are drunk already and will be all day long.
