Saturday, March 8, 2008

Filming the 8K

I can film tomorrow's race on my company's good miniDV camera but I don't have a way to edit it or put it on YouTube that I can post it on the blog.

If I film this and hand the tape to someone (cough - Peter Silverman), would that someone be able to put it online? I think I can do a pretty good "news package" piece tomorrow.

PS - here is something I put together a 1/2 decade ago before the 2002 NCAA Cross Country Champs in Terra Haute, IN. We went around the mid-western town quizing the local gentry about the championships before asking fans at water holes who they thought would win. Funny stuff...


  1. "Where is brother Larry Faulkner?"


  2. that looked like bob sagat in the background at around the 4:10 mark...
