Thursday, April 24, 2008

Weekend Runs

I'm starting back up today...slow & easy.

I was thinking of running from "The Line" on Saturday...around 10am.
Any interest?


  1. I am a maybe. I ran this morning, but I am still sort of tight.

    We are also getting a dog on Saturday, so I will have to see what time we are going to pick it up.

  2. I'm in for Saturday and starting up again tonight.

  3. PR - just bring snoopy to run the run. S/he will have lots of fun!

  4. I am going to have to get my run in earlier than that on Saturday. Anyone interested in C&O canal on Sunday morning?

  5. i need to get a run in early(830am)

    as the summer approaches and it gets warmer, it might make more sense to run ealrier.

    from a functional standpoint, i would like to be done with the run and showered up before 1030. The older i get the more i want to get done with my time.

    love max:)

  6. Matt Herzog told me he is going to run with Wilson from the Gtown store at 8:30am so it looks like we can have a 2nd, earlier Saturday morning group. I personally would prefer running on some softer terrain such as the towpath or Glover archibald if that works with other people.

  7. I am in for the line on Saturday. I ran last night (Wed) for the first time and felt 100% better today. Going for a run now this fine evening.

  8. I'll be at the line. I'm looking forward to being able to keep up, given your delicate conditions.

  9. Peter - I can join you. WHere/when on Sunday?

  10. For Sunday, I would suggest no later than 9:30am due to the increasingly warm temps. Here is a good place to start on the towpath.,-77.121025&spn=0.00151,0.002089&t=h&z=19

  11. Peter - I will be there.

    - jake

  12. Here's what the weekend plan looks like. If one of the blog admins wants to update the "Weekly Workouts" section, that would be great.

    Option A: "The Line" @ 10am
    Option B: GRC Gtown store @8:30am

    Towpath, Mile Marker 5 (aka Brookmont Lock, Lock 5) @ 9:30am

    I am planning to go 9-10 miles on Sunday.

  13. Peter,
    Your link with directions doesn't work for me, could you please provide directions to this?

    Is anyone up for running 15 or so? Given the temps, I wouldn't mind starting earlier tomorrow.

  14. I can't start earlier than 9:30 per Pikes Peek. But maybe you can start earlier and join us for 9-10.

