Sunday, September 28, 2008

I hate to admit it...

...but Max is right.

Do Yoga. Bikram Yoga. Hot Yoga. It will make you a better athlete.

Not only does it work your core, it's a beater of a workout. So now when we run I'll be pushing (1) becoming a duathlete/triathlete and (2) becoming a Yogi master. Namaste


  1. Watermelon's not the only one with mad photo-shop skillz.

  2. Watermelon's not the only one with mad photo-shop skillz.

  3. Even broken clocks are right twice a day ;-)

  4. Well done Matias. What it lacks in finesse, it more than makes up for in comic value.

  5. Love the PSA... and the photoshop skillz.

    On a related note, Max has invited Margaret Ward, a local yoga instructor, to lead a seminar entitled "Yoga for Runners" on Saturday, November 1 at the Chevy Chase store. It will run from 11-12:30 pm. I'll post something more substantive on it later.
