Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am opening the store at 830am for an easy leaf peep run on the trails. I am still getting back into some form of shape and last Saturday's run was a bit much for the "old man". thankfully, some gracious soul hung back with me to discuss current affairs and other random stuff.

any and all are welcome and of course, people can run at their own pace and frolick as they might.

for those running the marine corps ....GOOD LUCK!

PS. Sheena, don't mess with that stubbed big toe. Take it from someone who ignored a stubbed big toe years ago and now must live with permanent damage.

peace out


  1. I'm going to my doctor this afternoon, so hopefully some kind of medical miracle will be performed. It's really frustrating to be sidelined this close to the race.

  2. I can't make the run on Saturday morning. Heading to my alumni race at UMBC. See some of you on Sunday.
