Saturday, July 11, 2009

GRC TV: Midsummer's Night Mile


  1. Hey, my name is not velthuis van venderhoven! But I do have cloggies...Nice job guys, sorry I made you run 9 miles (and of course you voluntarily went the extra mile yourself ;)!)

  2. Dirk et al - would you entertain the idea of running another ALL OUT MILE on Wednesday at B-CC?

    Soon the REAL mileage starts and the speed will leave's now or never?

    Or am I being foolish?

  3. Jake, isn't there some mile somewhere in the week after crystal city? I can rabbit probably at least 13-1400, maybe the whole way. Don't worry, the speed won't leave you that quick.

  4. Yes, perhaps. I heard PACERS was putting a mile on...actually a larger meet as well that includes a 5k. Billy was telling me about it...
