Friday, July 15, 2011


For those not racing tomorrow night, can we generate some Saturday options?


  1. I'd like to throw out the idea of a Saturday run from The Line (I might finish the last part hard) and a Sunday run from the G-town store, both at 9AM. Emily and I have friends staying in G-town and they would like to run with the team Sunday. Does that sounds good to everyone?

  2. I want to add that the Sunday run I'd really like to be at G-town but I'm flexible on Saturday. Old Angler's or Greenbely would also be good options for tomorrow. Please weigh in if you care.

  3. I think the line would be cool. I suggest running with the Washington Running Club from Georgetown on Sunday. They leave early, though 7am from Fed Ex by the store

  4. The Line sounds fine to me. See y'all at 9.
