For those of you staying in town this weekend, let's start planning runs for the long weekend. Most people I've talked to have Friday off, so let's start there. I also want to get my long run out of the way on Saturday so I can fully celebrate our nation's birthday Saturday night. Here's what I'm thinking:
Friday, July 3rd: 9AM run from the Georgetown Store (+/- 10 miles)
Saturday, July 4th: 9AM long run from The Line (Zoo Loop? +/- 15 miles)
Sunday, July 5th: TBD
Post a comment with your thoughts and suggestions.
Sounds fine to me.
I'll be there both days. Anyone interested in a fartlek any of the days?
P Murph, I think I told you I'd be at the Saturday run this week. Just decided to split town. See you guys after America turns 233.
I may need to cancel my participation saturday as I'm considering running the 'autism speaks 5k' in Potomac instead. Anyone else?
P Murph, how fast you are running on Sat? I plan to run 10~12 miles on Sat AM in 6:45~7:00 pace. is it too slow for ya?
Frank - that pace is fine for Saturday.
Dirk - good luck with the 5K! I ran it last year... good race, hilly course.
I am running in the Autism Speaks 5K as well, so I won't be at the Saturday Run either. I will be at the run tomorrow-9AM is fine. I probably won't be up for any fartleks though.
PM, sounds good.
1. can we run a little earlier than 9am? what about 7 or 7:30? i think weather would little cooler.
2. i never run with y'all before, how i can spot you?
What are people thinking in terms of a route for Friday's run? I may or may not show since I'm only scheduled to get in 50 minutes on Friday morning
If anyone wants to do a long run on Sunday, there is a group doing 2 hours from fletchers boathouse @ 7:30am. It's an out and back on the towpath with a gatorade stop provided mid run.
Towpath - we can run whatever loop people want. We can make it a ~50 minute loop and add on as necessary if you'd like to join us.
Frank - I generally like to run a little earlier (like 8), so if the other guys are OK with running at 8, let's do it. You'll know who we are at The Line since we're the only group of fast-looking studs that meets there then :)
I am down for Sat @ 8:00 @ line.
P Murph, I will probably meet you guys at the store tomorrow for 1 hour worth of whatever you are doing.
cool, i will see y'all there on sat at 8am for 11 miles. i will have a blue-yellow Adidas top and blue short.
I'm downgrading my status for Friday from likely to un-likely ( work conflict)
I'm in for the long run on Saturday. P Murph, I would def. be in favor of the 8 AM start time.
We'll meet at 8 for the long run then. The guys on the run today were cool with it.
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