Thursday, January 31, 2008
New Uniforms
So whenever you get a chance, email me your sizes at
I know there are two scheduled runs this weekend. However, since there is vast array of running talent here and as usual there are different strokes for different folks, there is no need for anyone to be excluded from group run love. Bottom line, if others want to meet on Sat at the G-town store for one reason or another, please let your voices be heard now via the blog. This way someone will be there to open the store and get the run started.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Oracle that is Dwyer
Guiliani's loss in Florida sunk his viability, and so Klim's prudence saved him from wearing a dress... but don't fear... there will be time to slosh him up enough to provoke his rashness.
If anyone else would like to challenge the oracle, and has the guts to see it through... please make a prediction/wager...
And if you see Klim, give him crap about punking out (it will furthur our cause to incite him, and in turn, get the better of him!)
"the oracle"
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tempo Run - Saturday
For any of you that might be interested, Klim and I are running a tempo run with Pacers' Steve Crane on Saturday morning (2/2) at 9:30.
Marathon workout data
in July he ran about 100 mile weeks. His workouts were largley 4-6 mile tempos ending with 400-800 repeats.
August had two break weeks of 25 and 50. By the end of the month, his workouts increased in length:
"20min warmup (sunny, low 70s)2 X 30min 2min jog in between to get back to the start 15min cool down ice bath ran a 1mile rolling loop across from the high school - i measured it to be a about 10meters longer than a mile with rolling hills for a simulation of the trials course - wanted about 5:40/milecame through each mile a second or two fast - hit the first 5miles in 28:06 and the second in 28:12 - felt really bad the first few miles (most likely from going from 8min/mile right into the workout and the fact that I haven't really recovered from Sunday), but got into a descent rhythym after - need to keep working on the engine"
September: started with a 100 mile week and his last week was at 130 (his highest week). workout length increased:
"2+mile warmup (low 70s, sunny)2 X 45min w/2min jog on the same course that I ran the 1hr run last week onsplits:5:43; 5:56; 5:52; 5:49; 5:52 (29:13 for 1st loop)5:39; 5:55; 5:55; 5:53; 6:01 (29:27 for 2nd loop)5:46; 5:56; 5:59; 6:06; 6:05 (29:55 for 3rd loop)1:26the 45min break was just alittle over a minute before the 8mile mark2+mile cooldownvery hard workout - I could tell by the first loop that this wasn't going to be easy - legs just couldn't find a rhythym - by the third loop, I could barely get up the hills - legs were dead - just too hilly of a course - really solid effort throughout, breathing felt good, but really felt how hard it is to run a long time on the hills - legs, arms, and abs really sore by the end - didnt take any liquids which I really should have"
October: mileage between 110 and 120, and then he "tappered" the week before the trials with an 80 mile week. Most workouts this month were at marathon pace:
"3mile warmup + strides (slight wind, 70s, 90+% humidity)10mile MP run = 53:25 (ave. = 5:20.5)(ran a 2.5 mile stretch that rolls the whole way)(splits: 5:13; 5:13; 5:21; 5:18; 5:23; 5:25; 5:25; 5:20; 5:22; 5:21)4mile cooldownreally tough marathon paced run - i dont really sweat that much but today was a different story, soaked by mile two - the turning, hills, and humidity really got to me early plus the fact that I went out a bit too quick - paid for it in the middle and seriously thought about bagging it - glad I didnt because I was able to find a descent groove at the end - Dad helped with giving me Gatorade"
Tempo Runs
I have been running mine solo on the roads, but I really want to get on softer surfaces. I'm currently doing 6-8 mile tempo runs on a road loop in Montgomery Village once a week. I'm trying to build up the length every few weeks. I know Laura had posted about gettting some people out on Thursdays from the store. I'm interested in checking that out, but is anybody interested in running some tempos on the Canal in the coming months?
Monday, January 28, 2008
What day are people able to do it, Sat or Sun? Most people per day wins out. Please let us know via the blog by COB Wednesday.
Also, the race with Pacers is set. I have told them that some of you all are in terrific shape and the score will be on par of that between the Redskins and the Patriots, this past season. With us, being the Patriots, of course. We do need one more woman, however, if we are to compete as a Co-Ed team. Laura, Dawn, Megan, Kelly, whats up?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Washington & Lee Track Workouts

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Weekend Runs

Sunday - I am running in upper Montgomery County along the Canal at a place called Edwards Ferry. Some of you have been here before...
The route is 10 miles...and I'm planning to run it twice...easy for a total of 20. Others can run 10 or I can give them suggestions for something btwn 10 and 20. It's very pretty, quiet and bucolic. I am simply looking to get the distance in as I've been running 18 mile long run for the past 3 weeks. It's all on dirt trails & roads. I am meeting at 10am. If you want a ride from my place in North Bethesda let me know. I am right on the metro redline. If you plan to drive yourself, please try and arrive at 9:45am since this place can be difficult to find.
Let me know if you're interested.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Even with Klim off the block doing that half way out by William and Mary, we should be able to field a team strong enough to win. 20 minute drive and by 9ish the race is over. Coffee and bages after.
Look at results from the last race
Monday, January 21, 2008
Marathon Training Run on 2/10

On Sunday, February 10, I (plus Reaves has committed) plan to run from Sycamore Landing to the Old Anglers Inn along the C&O Canal. The distance is 15 miles from mile markers 27 down to 12. There are at least 8 of us training for a spring marathon (Boston) who want to run btwn 2:30 and 2:35 and I want to get a solid pack together for a marathon-pace run. The goal would be to start out as if we were running our marathon and continue to run even splits for 15 miles at 5:5X pace (we can determine the "X" later). At 15 miles we simply "walk off" feeling fresh, fine and longing for more. We can add a cooldown of sorts after if needed.
It'd be sweet to get a solid pack and stay packed up for the duration. We don't want any heroes jetting away at mile 7. It's too easy to do that and part of the workout is geared towards staying on pace and keeping cool. Right now I know of the following who are aiming to run 2:30 low at Boston: Me, Murphy, Reaves, Dwyer, Chris Baine, PACER Brian Baille (Frederick), Max...and maybe Matias (?). Any others? That would be a solid pack of guys if we could get a commitment. I did this about a year ago and it was a huge confidence booster. I throw this out to the marathoners specifically, but others are welcome too. But again, this isn't a race.
Logistics - everyone would meet at Old Anglers at a certain time then pile into two cars. Those cars would park at Sycamore and we'd all run south. Then one guy could drive the owners of the two cars back up to the original spot.
Mark it on your calenders. Who is in?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Anyway, Ted Poulos was there as were many other faces that looked familiar. The race is so low key, that nobody knew, including the race director, where the start line was. Eventually he found it and boom, the race started. Right from the get go, some kid from the US Navy, bolted out like a piston. He had a huge lead. Well, myself, Britton, Murphy, Marino and some other dude, settled into a pack and slowly reeled him in. As we ran we hit several big patches of snow and ice. These slowed us down quite a bit as we had to really dodge and dart away from the ice. At the 6.2 turnaround, Murphy who had a slight lead on me, said way to go Max, or something similar, and as he said this and I began to make my turn around the cone, I wiped out and slid to the ground. I felt like a marine doing some sort of combat routine. Anyway, I bolted up, shook off the stinging sensation that resonated down my elbo and decided to not let those guys run away.
1 mile passed and we started to get strung out. Murphy and Britton really started to race and pick up the pace. They caught the lead guy and moved ahead. Being the old man that I am, I held back and back and slowly reeled in the #s 3 and 4 guys until it was just Murphy and Britton in front of me. At some point Britton made a move and Murphy decided not to go with him. I caught up to Murphy and in his always pleasant demeanor, he simply said, I have had it or something similar. With 3.5 miles to go, I decided to put a little more speed on and see if Britton would fade. Just when I thought I would get him, at mile 2, he put a surge on. I did too, but not enough to reel him in and he ended up running a strong finish to get the victory.
In all, it was a good, hard run with some tactics and adventure thrown into the mix. My end time was 1:12.57. If I had not fallen and there had not been snow and ice, I say my time, as everybody else's, would have been 1 minute faster.
As for today, Klim, Dylan, Christiam, Bain, Tanner, Murphy and Reaves and myself ran a solid 18 miles in the frigid cold out by Old Angler's Inn. It took my about 9 miles just to warm up and get the legs to feel alive.
We did a solid pace with a little speed thrown in at the end. After, we went to starbucks and talked smack.
Klim, is now claiming that if Giuliani loses he does not have to wear a dress at a race. I forget the specifics of the bet he made with Dwyer a few weeks back, but I could have sworn, Klim, wearing a dress, was part of the deal.
After two pretty high mileage/intensity days, my legs are tired. Time to rest a bit.
FYI---Please look at the most recent Running Times. In the section where Master Runners are ranked, Moeser is the #2 guy in the world(i think). for his age group, 55-59.
Happy Martin Luther Kind Jr. day. MLK was the MAN
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Below are two examples of injuries that I have been working with for approximatley two years.
1) Hallux Limitus(stiff big toe). I went to the Podiatrist recently for a toe problem. He examined my big toe and said there is a large bone spur on the joint that connects the toe with the rest of the foot. This is due to the massive amount of flexing this toe has done over the years. Anyway, to make a long story short, the toe has not been able to bend upwards for 2 years. It is stiff but really does not cause pain, just some aggrevation.
1)In older people and in severe cases, doctors will operate to shave off the spur. However, it usually grows back and is worse.
2)One can try orthotics.
3) Be tough and just run with it. (My option of choice)
Hamstring Strain. I have run with a strain in my right hammy for 2 years. I can run through it but the hamstring is forever tender.
1) Rest and Prayer
2) Ultra sound and PT
3) Massage and ice
I have tried little bits and pieces of all three and still suffer a bit. Wilson Komen suffers through the same injury and has had it for 8 months.
I know Jake has had some shin problems but I have no idea if others have or do suffer and just run through these things, etc.
My next sporting obsession will be Ping Pong
Have to share:
Jason, Thanks again for helping me out on Sunday. A roommate opened the door right after you left (they were in the shower) and everything worked out for me. Thanks for helping and giving me a ride! -Billy
anytime Billy, anytime!
I am taking Munro and Moeser off the 10k list as I do not think they are racing. If anyone else wants to do it, let me know. We need a woman on the team, too. Melissa or Laura wanna do it?
Weekend Runs
I am meeting Patrick Reaves at the Old Angler's Inn parking lot on Sunday at 0930 for a long run. He is running 18...I will try and run the same. We'll hit up some of the hilly trails above Great Falls on the MD side before or after our melancholy route along the C&O Canal. Any takers?
Shooting Starr
Saturday, January 19, 2008 - Silver Spring
8:00am 5mi race - course map (CS)
Though the course will be much the same, we have a new start and end point for 2008—about a block over from the (now closed) school we previously used.
Named in memory of club member, Jim Starr, this 5 mile (Championship Series) race is part of our low-key club race series. As such, it is free to MCRRC members and only $5 for non-members. Registration is race-day only.
Location & Directions
Cresthaven Elementary School
1234 Cresthaven Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20903
I-495 to New Hampshire Avenue (Rt. 650N); turn left onto Cresthaven Dr, follow to school lot.
The West Hillandale Swim Club is going to allow us to park in their parking lot. They are directly behind Cresthaven Elementaty School (and across the street from our old location, on Schindler Dr.) If Cresthaven is full, simply park in the swim club lot, walk up the hill to the right of the pool building. In about 50 feet you will be on Cresthaven property, in the field behind the school. The address for the West Hillandale Swim Club is at 915 Schindler Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20903. Their web page is at
Columbia Club 10 Mile Challenge
I wasn't sure if GRC had its own recognized RRCA club, so if you do and want to compete as GRC, I would suggest getting in touch with the race director. However, you are more than welcome to run as an honorary member of Falls Road, and if GRC has enough runners, we can separate and hold our own team competition. It's a good race, always competitive and all local folks. It's rolling, so it won't be a PR course, but a good 10 miler to do prior to Cherry Blossom.
Register here just go to online registration, fill out the form and then use the code FrrAD
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Help save the capital cresent trail
This group is trying to push it underground and save the trail:
Answering Max's question
General marathon link:
speed sessions:
Also, we're not exclusively marathoners- before boston we're racing a 5k, 10k, 8k, and jake's doing a 10 miler... so we need some speed.. so three miles just under 10k pace 4:55-4:45 and the 800s were for the shorter races we have coming up.
And yes, we will be doing tempo runs in late feb/early march. Last year this involved 12 miles at 5:40s then dropping into 5:30s.
So far, I believe the following locals are running the trials
Lisa Thomas
Susannah K.
Casey Smith
Vanessa Hunter(now in Seattle)
Samia Akbar
Heather Hanscom
I am sure there are others but these are the one's I know of.
As for our own group running Boston, I am not sure who will come out on top. Reaves is running big miles and is strong as a beast now, so he is my early favorite. Klim or Dwyer might come on. Who knows.
What's the running routes for this weekend. I need 20 on Sun and something solid on Sat(10-11 miles).
one run on trails with rolling hills, would be nice.
Here is a trail I explored years ago. We can run there from the Riley's lock parking area
Seneca Creek Greenway Trail 16.5 miles - moderate This natural surface trail follows the Great Seneca Creek from the Potomac River upstream to Route 355. The trail continues on Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission park land.
The Greenway provides access to the Great Seneca Creek stream valley for those who enjoy the challenge of a long hike in the beauty of the outdoors. Due to the environmental sensitivity of the trail's location, bicycles and motorized vehicles are not permitted on the state park section of the trail.
Trail Access Points
Section 1: C&O Canal to River Road and Seneca Road (0.9 mile)This area of the Greenway Trail reveals traces of the past as you see red sandstone remains of a large stone-cutting and polishing mill. Further up the canal is a stone quarry and Seneca Red Sandstone cliffs, which were used as early as 1774.
I would like to do this one on Sun. Are others game?
life is short
Monday, January 14, 2008
Go Lisa! (And for the Boston Bound...)
I ran from the Chevy Chase store with Alan last Thursday and hope to make it a Thursday tradition. Anyone interested in regularly putting in 8-10 miles at about 7:00 pace (or a little faster if the spirit gets us)? As for those headed for Beantown in the spring, I realized that my "Boston" tempo run course is not far from the Chevy Chase store. I did a hard run on this course most every Monday last year and thought it helped with my uphill and downhill running. I've recorded it on the Gmaps pedometer here:
The almost 10 mile loop is only on busy and well-lit roads (for safety purposes). Be careful at a few of the busy intersections (especially Nebraska and Connecticut, as drivers seem to lose all common sense there).
Starting and finishing at my apartment (~Van Ness and Connecticut) mimics the down-up-down topography of Boston a little better than running from the store, but you still get in some of those long grinding hills. I always ran it clockwise, but you might want to try counter clockwise.
There's my 2 cents. Hope to see some of you on Thursdays!
We had large turnouts of quality and serious runners on Sat and Sun.
The sat Progression run turned out to be a race(my fault) as we went out too fast the last 5 miles and by mile 8 were gassed. Other than that, Wilson and Raabe were there as was Matt Ernst, Chuck, Chris Bain, Herzog, $$$$$$$, Billy, Pat M and Susannah K.
The Sun run was awesome. Jason, Billy, Pat, Chuck, Reaves and Chris B turned out for 16-18 miles of muddy trail running through some nice country. We explored and conquered. After, we went and had brunch at the Silver Diner in Reston.
Also, on Sunday, there was a cameo appearance made by Alan Webb and his training group. I hear that the trails out that way are one of his primary training grounds.
I have been running with various groups in this area for 6 years. This is the best one so far. Its creative, flexible, filled with good runners, and too boot, people are laid back and there does not seem to be any ego maniacs.
Keep it up
Friday, January 11, 2008
Pat game saturday night
I'm working at the store till 6, and will then head over shortly thereafter as it may get packed. come one, come all- let me know who to expect in case I need to hold a table.
Sunday run is beteen 15-20 miles on rolling trails around Great Falls. Some will run 15 or 16 and some 20. We will meet at the difficult run parking lot and leave 9amish(be there by 9). pancakes after. bring GU or Cliff Bars and water.
Sir Edmund Hillary Dies

In Nepal, Sherpa friends lit butter lamps and offered special Buddhist prayers in monasteries for the mountaineer, calling him a great philanthropist and friend of Nepal.
In 2003, Hillary received honorary Nepali citizenship in recognition of his services to the people and the Solukhumbhu region where Mount Everest is located.
"The legendary mountaineer, adventurer, and philanthropist is the best-known New Zealander ever to have lived. But most of all he was a quintessential Kiwi," New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said on Friday in announcing Hillary's death.
Hillary scaled the world's highest mountain in 1953, telling companions after the climb: "We knocked the bastard off."
Hillary, 88, suffered a heart attack and died in an Auckland hospital on Friday. He had been ill for some time and local media reported he had been suffering from pneumonia.
Born in Auckland on July 20, 1919, Hillary led an uneventful life until he achieved his Everest triumph at the age of 33.
Then a beekeeper from near Auckland, the strapping six foot (1.83 meters) Hillary was chosen by British expedition leader John Hunt to make the final assault on Everest because of his experience in the Himalayas and immense energy and strength.
Sherpa Tenzing was chosen as his climbing partner.
Hillary and Tenzing set off on a cloudless morning after spending a night at high altitude on the south peak of the infamous South Col.
Encumbered by clothing and oxygen equipment modern climbers would deem museum pieces, they inched ahead until they reached the most formidable problem on the final ridge, a 40 foot (13 meters) rock now known as the Hillary Step.
Hillary "jammed" his way up a narrow crack running vertically up the rock using all his strength and determination and then hauled Tenzing up and they moved on with little to impede them.
At 11.30 a.m. they became the first to step onto the summit of the highest mountain on earth. For years neither would say who reached the summit first, but after Tenzing's death in 1986, Hillary said he stood on the summit first, followed by Tenzing.
By late afternoon they were back at the South Col camp and on June 2 word of the conquest was broken by the London Times.
The news won huge media coverage, with the "British" triumph coinciding with the coronation day of Britain's Queen Elizabeth and Hillary was knighted even before he descended from Everest.
After Everest, Hillary led a number of expeditions. In 1958, he and four companions traveled overland in three modified tractors to become the first to reach the South Pole by vehicle.
"He was a colossus. He was an heroic figure who not only knocked off Everest but lived a life of determination, humility, and generosity," said Clark.
In the 1960s Hillary returned to the Himalayas in search of the elusive Yeti and in 1975 he led a jetboat expedition to the source of the Ganges. But most of his energy was devoted to helping Nepal's Sherpa people who live in the shadow of Everest.
His Himalaya Trust raised about US$250,000 a year, building 26 schools, two hospitals, an airport and providing scholarships for Sherpa children in the Himalayan nation, home to eight of the world's 14 highest mountains including Mount Everest.
"He has done so much for us. If he is incarnated he can again continue to do good work for the human beings," said Ang Rita, a devout Buddhist and the first graduate of the first school opened by Hillary in the Everest region in 1960s.
"Many Sherpa people have offered private prayers while many others are holding special services in monasteries," he said, adding that Hillary's friends and Sherpas would organize a special service for him in Kathmandu.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I have been doing quite a bit of research on the training habits of elite marathoners. I have discovered that there is no RIGHT way to go about doing this sort of thing. Each person has a RIGHT way that works for them and that's about as basic as it gets. The quicker you figure out YOU, the better off you are. Some examples summed up below:
Elite Masters Marathoner John Piggot. This guy can crank out a 2:37 marathon once a month if he chooses. He runs 60 miles a week with one speed workout and one long run.
Michael Wardian, A MAN POSSESSED: He runs between 17-20 miles a day and races every weekend.
Deena Kastor, I have been told by semi reliable sources, runs 140 miles a week and almost every run is hard. She sleeps 14 hrs a day and gets massages with the rest of her time.
Wilson Komen, (I trained with him for a bit). 120 weekly miles with two hard runs per week and one long run. Very simple. 2:17 marathoner. This schedule applies to Chris Raabe as well. He too, is a 2:17 marathoner.
Brian Sell and Nate Jenkins, two of the USA's toughest marathoners run mega miles(150 or more miles per week). More than 4 runs per week at very hard pace. These guys rely on toughness and durability to make up for their lack of natural speed.
There are millions of others but this should get the ball rolling for discussion, comment, etc.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Its all about the pursuit of love and happiness_____M
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Warm weather and record turnout for Inagural GRC Chevy Chase store run
There were many new faces at the inaugural group run from the Georgetown Running Company Store in Chevy Chase. MD. Approximately 19 runners showed up for a run that took us to the nearby Capital Crescent Trail. Free hats and T-shirts were given out. People who are regulars at the Wednesday night and Saturday runs should come out and meet some of the new runners.
Monday, January 7, 2008
As for runs, I would like to do a Progression run this sat of approximately 11 miles. Meet at the G-town store at 9:00AM. Old Man Earnst. this run us for you buddy. Its time for you to stop talking and take a minute off of your 10K.
Second, my friend Susannah K. is one of the best female distance runners around. She is running the trials in Boston for the marathon and wants to run 2:35. I am trying to assist her by getting myself and others to run with her and make her faster. I need help from some of you all. This Sun I would like to run out at Difficult Run in Great Falls and do a 19 miler at between 6:40-6:20 pace with maybe a few faster miles thrown in at the end. Its great running out there. I need help! Who wants to contribute? After, we can go get waffles or pancakes at this Diner in Reston.
So far I have Moeser and this guy Chris Bain.
Also, this Thursday Klim and I want to get to know all of you real real well. Therefore, we are having a Happy Hr at the Mayflower Hotel beginning at 7:00ish in the eve. For those that do not know, Klim spent the first 4 years of his life in DC at this place. He knows the bartenders by name and there is a picture of him with Ted Kennedy surrounded by beautiful women in a moment of weakness on the wall. Anyway, they serve good drinks and it should be fun.
Be prepared to drop a nickel or two as the place is not cheap. They do provide outstanding free mixed nuts, though.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Cue the David Bowie Music
December 31, 2006. Around 8 PM.
-Fiddy2 was done. I realized I had a whole year ahead of me of uncertainty.
I was exited for the changes but did not know what the future held.
December 31, 2007: Around 8 PM
- I had just accepted a job offer and hammered down the details. In one month I will be moving to Salt Lake City to begin a new career and a new life. I am excited for the changes and see no limit to my future.
That’s right. After over 3.5 years of living within a stone’s throw of our Nation’s Capitol, I will be packing my bags at the end of January and moving to The Beehive State. I have accepted a position with Ragnar Events to be a…well…I Am not quite sure what my title is. I will be working as a race director. I will be giving motivational speeches. I will be traveling to race expos. I will continue my work that I have been doing for the past few weeks wherein I will be mapping potential race course for the future.
4,500 feet up in the air I will live rather than 45 feet I am at now (depending on the hill I am living on). I have all the anxieties and pins and needles that come with leaving wonderful friends behind but know that that will remain close to me in my heart no matter where I travel.
Thus begins 2008 for me. A year of great opportunity. Come join me, won’t you?
(Check back here often as this journey unfolds.)
My assignment to Jake and Pat and anyone who really wants to get faster for the marathon, is to make an effort to get with Raabe or Komen for a workout or two and just get humbled. Feel the pain for 5 miles or more and learn to enjoy it.
Now for a recovery day and lots of protien and nourishment to help heal the muscles that have been trashed.
Pat M. or anyone else, I am running at 6:30am from Pierce Mill on Tuesday and from the store at 4:00pm on Wed. I hope to catch Raabe and see whats giving.
Peace out________M
Runs From The New Store
The route for the run is still up in the air. I am up for suggestions since I have just been running up and down the major ave's when I run at night.
And if anybody has any night running gear, like reflective vests or head lights, I would reccommend bringing those along for the run.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Indoor Track Meet 1/13
They have a 1600, an 800 and a 3200, in addition to other events you would see in an indoor lineup. We have a few people who should be running high 4:30/4:40s for the mile, and probably some in the 10:00-10:30 range for 2 miles, and one or two that may do the 800 in 2:00 or so.
Information can be found if you navigate a little bit on the site.
Additionally, we have been talking about going up to a meet or two up at Haverford College, some open meets at the Armory up in NY and up to Boston. If any of you has an interest in traveling with us, just let me know, my email is
Hope to see you on the track! (Thanks Jake for letting me post) - Ryan McGrath
Friday, January 4, 2008
Saturday Run
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
2007 In Review

Thank you for your continued support. There are a lot of guys out there (me included) who recently graduated from college who would like to continue to run and race for a post-collegiate team. Most of us aren't all stars, rather, citizen runners with full time jobs who enjoy one another's company while training. We’re all part of the 40 hour work week and the DC rat race, but all of us ultimately want to get faster and faster…and faster.
Below is proof that this training group is working. These are the top times for each person in each distance they raced this year. It is remarkable how many people have PR’d in each distance over the past 12 months and I would argue that the support we give one another is a huge factor in obtaining these personal bests. GRC even has a token Ironman in Matias and token UltraMan in Dane!
Having others to run with is key and I believe if we keep it up we’ll only get faster and faster. I’m hoping to have an army of runners to train with on weekend runs as we push through winter and on into spring. Who is with me? Happy Running in 2008!
*If I’ve missed anyone or a race please e-mail me and I’ll amend the list accordingly*
4:12.7 – Joe Wiegner - Penn Relays OD Mile Run, PA - April PR!
4:20 – Allen Carr – King Street Mile – 12/31
4:32 – Luke Merkel - DCRR Track Championships 7/25 PR!
4:36 – Christiam Camacho - DCRR Track Championships 7/25 PR!
9:47 - Luke Merkel - DCRR Track Championships - 7/25
15:06 – Joe Wiegner - Shamrock 5k, Baltimore – March PR!
15:09 – Allen Carr - PVI Runfest - 9/16
15:17 - Jason Dwyer- Haverford Indoors - 1/27 PR!
15:21 – Jake Klim - Shamrock 5k, Baltimore – March PR!
15:55 – Patrick Reaves - Blizzard Blast 5k, Tampa, FL - 12/29 PR!
16:52 – Christiam Camacho- Fairfield 5k, Fairfield, CT PR!
22:02 - Luke Merkel - DCRR Bastille Day 4-miler 7/14
8K (or 5 MILES)
24:43 – Allen Carr - Star Kid 8k -10/21
25:03 - Joe Wiegner - Shamrock Sportsfest, VA Beach
25:12 – Jake Klim - Rothman Institute 8k, Philly - 11/18 PR!
25:34 – Jason Dwyer - St Patrick’s Day 8K - WDC - March
26:37 - Patrick Reaves - Rockville Twilight 8k PR!
26:44 - Matias Palavecino - Rockville Twilight 8K
27:28 - $teve Money - Rockville Twilight 8k
30:06 - Matt Herzog - Celtic Solstice Five Mile PR!
30:09 – Dane Rauschenberg - Rockville Twilight 8k PR!
31:58 – Matt Ernst - St Patrick’s Day 8K - WDC – March PR!
30:33 - Allen Carr - Veterans Day 11/11 PR!
31:29 – Jake Klim - Pikes Peek – Rockville - April PR!
31:47 - Jason Dwyer - Pikes Peek, Rockville - April
32:38 - Matias Palavecino - Pike's Peek, Rockville – July PR!
33:37 – Patrick Reaves - Peachtree Road Race, Atlanta - July
35:04 – Christiam Camacho - Pikes Peek, Rockville – April PR!
38:16 - Matt Herzog - Jingle All the Way - December PR!
38:36 – Dane Rauschenberg - Battle of the Blvd
39:03 – Matt Ernst - Pikes Peek – Rockville - April PR!
52:53 – Jake Klim - Cherry Blossom 10 Miler - 4/1 PR!
56:47 - Patrick Reaves - Annapolis 10 Miler - 8/26 PR!
57:54 – Christiam Camacho - Cherry Blossom 10 miler - 4/1 PR!
1:11:47 – Dave O’Hara - Colonial Half Marathon - March PR!
1:12:29 - Matias Palavecino - Austin Half Marathon PR!
1:13:04 – Patrick Reaves - Parks Half Marathon - 9/16 PR!
1:15:43 – $teve Money - National Half Marathon, WDC - March
1:23:27 - Dane Rauschenberg
1:24:55 – Matt Ernst – Philadelphia Distance Run – 9/16 PR!
2:37:04 - Matias Palavecino - National Marathon 3/24 PR!
2:39:41 - Dave O’Hara - National Marathon 3/24 PR!
2:42:27 - Patrick Reaves - ING Georgia Marathon - 3/25 PR!
2:42:37 - Jake Klim - Grandmas Marathon, Duluth, MN - June PR!
2:46 - $teve Money - Vermont City Marathon - May
2:48:13 – Luke Merkel - National Marathon 3/24 PR!
2:55:34 - Dane Rauschenberg – Steamtown, PA - September PR!
3:08:45 – Matt Ernst – Philadelphia Marathon – September PR!
9:49:06 - Matias Palavecino – Hawaii – October PR!
Dylan Keith 2007 Track Times (Pre-GRC)
10K on Track: 31:21 @ MIAC Conference Championships - PR
5K on Track: 14:45.39 @ NCC Gregory Last Chance Meet - PR
3K on Track (indoors): 8:52 @ MIAC Indoor Conf Champs
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year and Holy Moeser
For those that missed it this fine morning of the first of January 2008, we had a good group out for ten+ miles out in Great Falls. I had never met Chuck Moeser and in the past runs with the 'kids' didn't mind getting dusted....but now to be hammered by Chuck puts me in my place. It was a beautiful morning and a great start to the year, one I hope to spend running with all of you. Again, Happy New Year.