Sunday, November 9, 2014

Vet's Day GRC-Extravaganza

The GRC men had a huge crew out in force on Ohio Drive this morning, and was just barely edged out by Pacers in the 3-man team competition...

Veteran' Day 10k
3. Michael Franklin - 31:42
4. Matt Rand - 31:43
5. Stewart Reich - 31:54 (PR!)
8. David Wertz - 32:23
9. Paul Balmer - 32:25
10. Tom Kelly - 32:29 (Huge PR!)
12. Sean O'Leary - 32:38
15. Otto Kingstedt - 33:09
16. Sebi Devlin-Foltz - 33:17
22. Dave O'Hara - 33:56

Tom Kelly's performance can be solely attributed to Paul Balmer's pre-race instructions. When Tom announced that he was aiming to run 33:30, Paul "suggested" that he run 32:30 instead.

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