Sunday, March 31, 2013

Next Saturday: Rock Creek Cleanup

Next Saturday, members of the North Bethesda Distance Project (well, actually just Jordan and I) will be participating in the annual Rock Creek Cleanup. I've signed up to meet at the link below at 9:00am, because I frequent this part of the trail most mornings.

If any other GRCers wish to "give back" to the creek we love so much and join, please let me know so that I can update the site leader as to how many will come. Since Cherry Blossom is the next day, I'll likely shuffle an easy 30 minutes beforehand.

Furthermore, if any GRCers want to work on a section closer to their respective home, feel free to sign up via the link below. There was some talk of getting a chain gang going down at The Line.

1 comment:

P Murph said...

The Capitol Hill Distance Project, Columbia Heights Chapter will be volunteering in Mt. Pleasant in case any of you would like to join closer to DC. Contact PMurph for details.