Sunday, August 26, 2007


Not sure where everyone is at or who is still running, alive, etc. I met up with Melissa, Susanna, Julie, Chris and his girfriend yesterday at 7am. We ran a solid 90 minutes or 13 miles as a group in Rock Creek Park and then Melissa went to add on some more. My total for yesterday was 17 as it is a 2 mile out and back run to the park from my house. Melissa looks strong as she seemed to handle the humidity well. Hope she is able to maintain for a Fall marathon.

I felt fine after the training yesterday and was able to use the WAWA race today as a good tempo. It was mad hot and the course is one big hill, so it is an excellent run to enhance strength and endurance. I was not in race shape but did what I wanted, which was to run a hard 10 miles at just under 6 minute pace. I tacked on a few more to make the total 13 miles. Aaron Church and Wardian raced it with Wardian taking the win in just over 53 minutes.

Considering the hard day yesterday and today I feel good. Legs are tired but that is to be expected. Looking forward to peaking for a October Marathon.

Hope others are doing well



Havegoats said...

nice job max. that's a quality performance. which fall marathon are you looking at?

I'm putting some pieces back together. It's been a long trough, but I hope to be back up to 70s by the end of september.

MAX said...

I am going to run 80 miles a week. The most effective way for me to get in hard long runs is to to race tough courses and use the races as tempo runs. I will run either Baltimore or Marine Corps. M