We need to get a sense of what everyone's (tentative) fall race schedule is, especially the BIG races you intend on running. I've heard rumors of:
RnR Philly Half Marathon - 9/18
Chicago Marathon - 10/9
Army Ten Miler - 10/9
USATF Club XC Champs - 12/10
EVERYONE on the team please "comment" what your basic fall racing season might consist of so that we can begin the long arduous plans of creating teams/working logistics. Also, include the date of the race in case it's not one of the aforementioned events listed above.
I am racing Kentlands 5k (local in early Sept)
and RnR Philly Half
MCRRC races
09/11 - Parks Half Marathon(?)
09/24 - Akron Marathon
12/11 - Tucson Marathon
RM Classic 5000m - 9/11 (week before PDR) is happening for anyone looking to run swiftly before the half. Also planning on having a one mile track footrace in the same day.
Jerry was talking at practice about having the team race at Veteran's Day 10k, which is the second weekend of November (9/13?)
I am planning on running there if we do intend to send a team, and the USATF XC club champs.
I'm registered for Chicago but b/c of the vertigo don't think I will be ready. Thinking Philly Marathon instead.
-20k championships in new haven (9/5)
-twin cities marathon (10/2)
-xc club nationals
August 13 - Boiling Springs tri (first in 5 years)
Sept 5 Cal XC 8k (first in 3 years)
Dec. 11 Kent State 800m 1:54 goal
10/1 Freedom's Run Half Marathon
10/8 Great Pumpkin 5k
11/12 HCA Richmond 8k
11/20 Philadelphia Half Marathon
12/10 USATF Cross Country
Are you really? Unless Dr. Cucuzzella changed the course on Freedom's Run; otherwise you are going to run a very hilly half marathon.
9/25 - Great Race 10k
10/2 - US 10 mi Champs
10/23 - Mayor's Cup XC
11/?? - Veteran's Day 10k?
T-gives - Run for the Diamonds 9 Miler
12/10 - Club Nats XC
I could also be persuaded to do the Army 10 miler instead of US Champs, what with it being in DC and not say, Minnesota.
Oh dear, I thought it was a flat half marathon. Check me if I'm wrong, Yukon Jack, but West Virginia is nicknamed "The Flat State," right?
Also, Diddy, if you end up going to defend your Great Race title, I would join you for the trip, since I otherwise wouldn't be going to Pittsburgh until Thanksgiving
I might entertain that trip, but it would not be to support Sam Luff, it would be to take his crown.
Annapolis 10M
Army 10M
NYC Marathon
and others probably
vets day
Richmond Half - 11/12
CIM - 12/4
RnR Philly Half
Army 10 (thought it is sold out; have we considered that?)
Vet's Day 10K (Coach J, like Tenders said, wants us to have a big team there
I can't do club nats (school)
I'd like to race the RM Classic 5000m.
Has anyone ever looked into whether we can enter an open team at any college XC invitationals in the fall? Might be a good tune up for Club XC.
I don't think we'd have a problem getting into the Gettysburg Invitational in mid October.
No foreseeable return to racing in 2011. Maybe spring 2012.
Mike C wants to do ATM. Nice.
Parks or Filthy Half 9/11 or 18th
Army 10 miler (I'm signed up) 10/9
Filthydelphia Marathon 11/20
Whatever looks like fun in between.
RnR Philly
Twin Cities Marathon
Club XC
Philly RnR Half Marathon - 9/18
Philly Marathon - 11/20
Maybe Army 10
What Dart said (Philly RnR Half Marathon - 9/18; Philly Marathon - 11/20; Maybe Army 10).
Still tentative but it is looking like: Kentlands 5k, RnR Philly half, Army 10, Philadelphia Marathon.
As Dickson noted, can we get into Army 10 even though it's closed?
Karl D:
Phillly Distance Run
Maybe - Army 10
Susan H:
Army 10
Probably Veterans Day 10k
Maybe Club XCs
Carlos H:
Tentative - Lynchburg Half 8/13
Confirmed - Berlin Marathon 9/25
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