Most tragically, we also lost Lauren. Luke moved away shortly after he arrived, LJ peaced out, Ryan Hanson and Matt Logan departed for grad school, and Frank Fung, Robert Jarrin and Anna-Holt Gosselin found teams elsewhere.
We officially organized and had incredible performances in races, but most importantly built a team that makes us want to keep coming back, week after week. That's something that a sponsorship or a deep-pocketed patron could never create on its own. And we had a lot of laughs along the way!!!
Sam's victory in the 5k at the Maryland indoor meet was all well and good, but Drea upstaged him by lapping everyone else, some twice. Luke Albertson debuts in the 5k for what would no doubt be a long and distinguished GRC career.
Lyndzay Jerdonek skips town for a professional triathlon career, later comes skulking back from time to time.
A seven-woman gang of GRC runners made Kirby’s fundraiser for her school’s Girls on the Run chapter one of the most competitive 5ks in the area. Good luck, everybody else!

Karl Dusen attempts a hostile takeover of the GRC management to appropriate money to purchase sweatpants. He musters little to no support.
Carlos Hunt competed in the Barcelona Half Marathon
While competing unattached at the George Mason Last Chance indoor meet, Aubrey almost misses the start for the 3k, leading Charlie to jump on the track and create a distraction so she can put on her spikes and get to the line. I forgot what happened next.
Witty breaks the team indoor mile record at the Columbia Last Chance meet, running 4:15.

Various runners score almost $300 in gift certificates to the Glory Days Grill at the Van Metre Five Mile.

It’s not quite the By George 10k, but the Gate River Run 15k in Jacksonville ends up a windy mess.
Bain crusades through the mud to win the Seneca Greenway Marathon+.

Karl Dusen wins the MCRRC Athlete of the Year award over CTR. Complaints that he made it purely on reputation are dismissed, however accurate.
Team Marren wins the 4x8 relay
Murph scores two huge PRs- almost one minute at the Rock ‘n Roll USA half marathon, then staying out at a single bar for 12 hours afterward.
The women’s team wins the Cherry Blossom team competition, powered by Drea’s 58:50, Beth’s 90-second PR and solid races from LTO and Susan. Jake Klim makes his return to racing.
The even harder fought coed intrasquad race saw the Dylan Keith team prevail over Dirk de Heer’s squad, which was perhaps slowed down by the runner’s insistence on wearing wooden racing flats for cultural accuracy’s sake.
Dirk, incidentally enough, would later run 29:59 at the Mt. SAC relays.
Witty’s latest blog post

Maura runs a big PR in the 5k at the Johns Hopkins/Loyola meet. She ran the gamut of emotions throughout the race:

Sam acts like a man and takes the lead for two miles at the George Mason invitational 5k while the American record holder in the mile sits on him before kicking the last 1800 meters to finish about a minute slower than his PR. What is there to be proud of there, Al? Watch the race here.

Michelle Miller makes her return to racing at the Crystal City 5k.
With Joe Hanson observing from the dryness of his storm chasing getup, the GRC splatters the blood of its opponents all over Franklin Field at the Penn Relays.

First, Witty runs 14:40 in the 5k. Then Drea guts out a 35:46 10K, beating an Olympic Marathon Trials qualifier.
Then, in deluge of rain and blood, Sam destroys his archnemesis in the 10k, running 29:37 for a new team record, a PR and demolishing his jobless brother.

Karl and Laura run big-time races at the Pike's Peek 10k.
Dusen run 30:05, with Wertz and Bain PRing behind him and LTO PRs in 35:51, with Bitz Young also PRing.
Mike Cotterell ran 2:40 at the Eugene Marathon, trying to salvage his training for the aborted Boston Marathon.
Breezy Young gave it a go in Toldeo, and Dickson would try to capitalize in Cleveland, but the heat and surrealism of the whole experience will get the better of him. Halfmarathoners Charlie, Drea and Bits will also give it a go but be overwhelmed by the faslehoods of the song "Cleveland Rocks."
Caroline Wertz gets to celebrate Mother's Day with the arrival of her and Dave's daughter, Zella.
Lauren Woodall PRed while winning the Police Week 5k.
Witty broke the team's 1500 record, running 3:53.66 at Swarthmore.
The O'Haras won their respective races at the miserably hot Alexandria Running Festival 5k. A few days later, Susan ran 5:07 on the Winchester roads.
Seamus Bain was born faster than Chris could run a marathon in Korea. Or maybe not, I don't actually know how long it took.
Brian McCabe, Matt Logan and Lindsay Donaldson led the GRC team to victory in the Press Club 5k.
Jake's return to racing continues with a PR 69:19, edging Sam at the USATF Half Marathon Championships in Minnesota.
After nine months of carrying him in his calves, Matias gives birth to Leo.
A Herculean effort by the team leads to a massive success for the Father's Day 8k. Things aren't too bad for the runners, either, with Witty scoring a victory and LTO finishing second to a friggin' Olympian.
Linked from the beginning, Outlaw and Hanson propose to their prospective fiancees days apart. Hanson then skips town for medical school.
Nothing happens at all. Wiggy ran a couple of track races, but most people dismissed that.
The Georgetown Running Club incorporates and joins the Road Racing Association of America as a nonprofit affiliate.
Michelle Miller makes her return to racing, winning the Annapolis 10 Miler.
Charlie Ban takes over RunWashington magazine and immediately starts employing his cronies, lackeys and sycophants.

his return to racing at the Parks Half Marathon, along with Sam Luff, Jerry Greenlaw and Michelle Miller, who makes her return to racing.
We finally get our new uniforms.
Emily and Karl welcome Juliet to their family.
The GRC team dominates the Run, Geek, Run! 8k, with Witty taking the individual crown and Michelle Miller making her return to racing in second for the women. Jake Klim makes his return to racing.
With all respect to LDO and Sean's great races at the Rock 'n Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon, Lauren Woodall has the race of the month, taking Shannon Miller to the last few yards of the Navy-Air Force Half Marathon, still netting an almost-eight-minute PR, witnessed by her husband, parents and in-laws. Her intensity over the last two miles was something to behold. Miller had no idea what she was messing with...
Burnham wins, with Fridge making a huge impression in his first GRC race. Huge.
A scoring error leads Sam, Charlie, Maura and their shared teammate Ross to believe their co-ed team won the Great Race 10k in Pittsburgh. That error is later revealed, and it was simply the blorst feeling. Despite that, Sam finishes, second, Charlie and Maura PR for fifth and sixth place. Lauren wins the Perfect 10k in Reston. Sam gets to second base with himself.
Jake Klim made his return to racing at some 5.1 mile mountain race in New Hampshire. Charlie wins a once-great 15k in Cumberland, and GRC runners serve as guides for visually impaired runners at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon. Michelle Miller makes her return to racing there as the first local finisher.
Wouldn't it be cooooool????
Peter Silverman is announced as the winner of the Glory Days cross country 5k at Bull Run Park, but is later revealed to simply be Witty. Hilary throws some 'bows when confronted by some guy who runs 18:00.

The rapid response to Charlie's request for an elite entry to the Charlottesville Fall Classic Half is no longer a mystery after he clocks an 11-plus minute victory. The next day, Sam leads the men and Drea and Beth's 13th and 15th place finishes pace the women at the Army Ten Miler. Jake Klim makes his return to racing.
Woodshed, Chatty Cathy, Susan, Skittles and Meghan route the competition at the Downtown Towson 5k.
Meanwhile, the Cross Country on the Farm 5k race demonstrates to everyone who ran why no pet wants to be taken "to the farm,"
Sean Barrett and Stefan Kolata finish 13th and 15th at the Marine Corps Marathon.
Adira Burnham arrives and simply melts Dave's heart.
RunWashington’s November/December issue features Kate Dart on the cover
Dolla Billz just owns the HCA 8k in Richmond. Owns it. 25:17. Shannon O'Neil makes a legitimate return to racing in the half soon after.
Outlaw makes a huge comeback after months of ineffective running to lead the team at the Veterans Day 10k. Beth Young continues an incredibly consistent year.

LTO is named to the Rhode Island Interscholastic League Hall of Fame.

Guess who's back?
The GRC women finish 11th at the USATF Club Cross Country Championships, the men 17th. What follows, I can't say anything that Breezy hasn't in this recounting of the Navy-Air Force Half, or Towpath hadn't put together in his video. What I can say is that Lauren exhibited the best of what we could all hope to do with our running and our lives, make the most of our opportunities to perform athletically, to achieve professionally and to love in our personal relationships.
We named Sam Luff our male runner of the year, Drea Garvue our female runner of the year, Alex Benway and Lauren Woodall Roady our rookies of the year, and Jake Klim and Beth Young recipients of the coach's awards.
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