Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tempo on Monday

I've been doing tempo runs on Mondays for a few weeks now--when my racing and traveling allow for it-- and am tired of pushing myself along those long, boring stretches alone. Anyone up for joining me? I know it's not a tempo for some of you speedy guys out there, but I could still use the help if you are feeling particularly chivalrous!

WHAT: 10 minute warm-up; 45 minutes-- starting about 6:20 pace and working down close to or under 6:00; 10 minute cool down.
WHEN: Monday (8/27)
WHERE: C&O Canal (I'm jogging over the Key Bridge from the Gold's Gym in Rosslyn)
TIME: Meet across from the store (by the Key Bridge) at ~ 5:00. I know this is early-- I'm on recess hours here on the Hill. If someone needs to meet later, I can accomodate with enough of a heads up.

Let me know ( if you are interested.




KLIM said...

Watch out now - Giraffes are fast!

havegoats said...

hmm... shawn and the zebra would disagree:

Melissa said...

I wish I could, but Monday is the first day of school and I have class on Monday nights this semester. Boo. Good luck!

MAX said...

hey laura, how is dave doing? is his IT band getting better?

havegoats said...

In all seriousness, this would be a good run for me- can we do it earlier say around noon?

LTO said...

Yes, giraffes are fast!

I'm afraid that I work until 4:00. That's why I am running at about 5:00. Noon! That sounds like torture in the DC summers! Please e-mail me if you can come (I don't get a chance to check the blog much during the work day.)



LTO said...

Hey! I think there was a conspiracy in that You Tube video. The giraffe was sabotaged! Someone must have thrown some of its favorite leaves on the infield and it was distracted! ;-)