For next week Karl suggested a 4 mile tempo on the track at 5:00 pace (20:00), followed by some 400s. I need to practice Cherry Blossom race pace so I was going to tag along and run 5:05s. If anyone wants to run 5-5:05 pace for all/part for the workout NEXT week, speak up. For instance, you could help pace Karl for 1.5 miles (in 7:30), then rest for a lap or two, then run another 1.5 miles at pace. There are a number of different options.
If anyone wants to meet at B-CC tomorrow regardless (a workout in the neighborhoods?) please post.
will be doing my normal 15 on Wednesday night. Anyone want to join?
I was already planning on coming down... I have 6 miles that I will be running (yep... im moving up LOL). If a group wants to still meet and run from BCC, that would be great. I am going to be in the area anyway, so I planned on running at that time in the area anyhow.
For tonight, I'd be up for a workout if there is a good location in the neighborhoods. For example, we could do 20-25x 30sec or 45 sec on that part of CC trail that is covered (right before Bethesda). Anyone interested? (could also do it earlier in the day). For next week, 4 Mile tempo+ 400s sounds good.
Guys, its warming up today, track may not be terrible, what do you think?
I wish I could come, but I have some stuff I got to take care of, comeback delayed
I am thinking about going but will be late due to a corporate presentation at school. Text me if you are going for sure and I'll call you back when I'm heading over.
I'm just going run around Falls Church tonight. Are we tempoing the Haiti run on saturday or just running easy?
Karl, I'll be there tonight. Charlie, I'd be up to tempo the Haiti run (or run a workout) if anyone's interested.
Assuming we don't get a foot of snow, I'll be in town and would tempo the Haiti run.
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