Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Long run this weekend

I'm planning on going long this saturday in my training for the National Marathon. Anyone interested in going 18 - 20 miles? Probably around 6:30 pace, although it depends on the conditions. If everyone else is going shorter, I'll just add on a few miles at the end. Anyway, just thought I would throw that out there incase anyone else was thinking of going for a long one this weekend.


KLIM said...

I'm racing the GW 10k on Saturday but would be up for something on Sunday.

MAX said...


Merkel said...

I had 22 on schedule for this weekend anyway so I signed up for the George Washington Birthday marathon this Sunday in Greenbelt, MD and am treating it as a long-run. I also want to test my recovery to see if the National/Boston double is realistic, or meant only for the Max Lockwood's of the world.

MAX said...

Luke, i think you should focus your energy on capturing the heart of that young lady you brought to the run and not all of these marathons-----------:(

Matt Ernst said...

Max, didn't know you were such a romantic.....