Sunday, December 28, 2008

Falmouth Road Race

This is super early, but I know some people like to plan vacation time well in advance...

I plan to trek to Cape Cod again next August for the Falmouth Road Race. The FRR is a 7 mile race run on the western end of Cape Cod. It's a classic in the mold of Cherry Blossom, Bix, Boilermaker and Peachtree. Meb was the top American last year. They cap the amount of runners due to logistics etc and registration typically starts (and ends quickly!) in May. You have plenty of time to decide whether you want to do it, but all are welcome to crash at my pad for a few days; engage in some water sports, drink O'Douls, go clamming and of course run/race. It would be great to get a good squad of GRC singlets at this "away meet". I think the FRR is my favorite race course; majestic views of the ocean, undulating hills and great crowd support. Matt Ernst ran it last year, as did Mike Fleg, Scott Munro and Michelle Sikes.

It also could be a fun road trip (Dylan?) and we would likely need to take only a day or two off for work. All this can be determined later, but below is a tentative schedule (I think 8/9 will be the date):

Friday/Saturday - arrive
Sunday, August 9 - Race party at my house or Matt Ernst's house (Matt - can we have a beach party at your house?)
Monday, August 10 - head home

Does this interest anyone? See the website below for more information.

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