Saturday, January 9, 2010


A RECORD (fact check needed) 20 runners showed up for the Saturday Store run. To celebrate we're heading to the Four Fields/Four Ps Irish Bar right at the Cleveland Park metro station. Yes, this is simply an excuse to go out and have fun. I am sure the game will be on and live Irish music (no cover) starts at 9:30.

3412 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008

Who wants some Guinness?



While gleening YouTube for videos of foxes, I came across this SLAM DUNK video that shows Raabe's finish at Grandma's Marathon - "USA, USA, USA..." Pretty Awesome!!


Peter said...

Sounds like a SLAM-DUNK plan!

P Murph said...


Matt Ernst said...

Sure, sure...getting an Irish guy to say "DO IT" to meeting at a place named 'Ireland's 4 Ps'....that took a lot of work...

Karl D. said...

I would be in but the Eagles game starts at 8. I can't miss that. E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles!

P Murph said...

I'm a pushover for a Smithwicks...

Karl - 4Ps has several TVs and a big projection screen. I'm sure the game will be on there, especially since it's the only thing on tonight.