I've been waiting for this day for millennia...
I am waiting for mcdonalds to release the McFox!
Wiggy - that makes no sense...nor is it funny. You are off the team.
doesn't the red fox work for nat geo, is this some type of marketing stunt just so he can become a pet of a household so he can get away with free rent
That's an incredibly huge fox - are you on the Island of Dr. Moreau or something? That fox looks real real. Or like that video game, Star Fox?
Isl of Dr. Moreau or not, I was certainly in another world...
Not if the Red Fox also goes by the name Jake Klim. If that's the case, it's more likely to be "no friend" than "best friend."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The McFox! That's great!
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I've been waiting for this day for millennia...
I am waiting for mcdonalds to release the McFox!
Wiggy - that makes no sense...nor is it funny.
You are off the team.
doesn't the red fox work for nat geo, is this some type of marketing stunt just so he can become a pet of a household so he can get away with free rent
That's an incredibly huge fox - are you on the Island of Dr. Moreau or something? That fox looks real real. Or like that video game, Star Fox?
Isl of Dr. Moreau or not, I was certainly in another world...
Not if the Red Fox also goes by the name Jake Klim. If that's the case, it's more likely to be "no friend" than "best friend."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The McFox! That's great!
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