It has been awhile since i have posted on the blog or even been on the blog for that matter. two weeks prior to the club XC championships I tweaked my hamstring during a fartlek type workout at S. Germantown Rec park in the grass fields. I hit a low spot and immediately felt some pain. With ice, Advil and my absent-minded self, i felt that i could take it easy on the fast paced running and be ok. I had a grade 3 injury during my soph year that took me out almost an entire year of running.... so i didn't think it was anything more than a slight pull. a few days before club champs, I came down ill and decided to rest my hamstring at the same time, as I along with some running buddies of mine noticed a slight limp in my gait. When i came back to run I felt good for a week at 45-50 miles. The following week was the complete opposite... The back of my leg flarred up and it hurt to just walk on it. I couldn't run up hills without pain. I decided to finally call up an orthopedic. They sent me for xray/MRI and found that I had a Grade 2 hamstring injury (partial tear to the upper orgin of the muscle where it attaches to the connective tissue of the pelvic bone). I am in my 4th week of PT and it is getting better. I have had cortozone combined with electrode pad therapy to try and break up scar tissue and decrease inflammation. It is a strange injury because all you can do is treat it with rest, ice and therapy. I can walk on it with no problem ( i am on my feet all day teaching). I just can't squat down without some pain and i can't push off the ground and curl my hamstring (the kick back portion of the running stride). I am finally able to stretch quite a bit and I began eliptical training (boringly low resistance). In 2 weeks I will be cleared to begin running 2 miles 3-4 times a week. I have been in the pool doing laps with just my upper body and placing a float in between my ankles... so i haven't lost a whole lot of cardio fitness...
Bottom line, I really miss running... I was at a low point prior to this set back where running was becoming a chore... I almost feel that this injury was a gift of regeneration. My core strength and muscular strength/endurance have been strengthened more than ever before due to concentrating my energy into this neglected part of my fitness from before.
I am looking forward to hit the canal path again with all of, the old anglers inn runs with jake, christiam and Jason were one of my favorite sites to run. Obviously toeing the starting line of a race is what I really want... I am going to be smart and take my time coming back... I have broad street 10miler in the back of my mind for may... we will have to see my progress...
From looking at the previous blog postings... I see a lot of you are really putting the hammer down. I think it is awesome that many of you have been running together. The miles you are putting in are consistent and the quality days look like they will really pay off for the marathon. Keep up the good work... I hope to come out and meet the members i have not met yet... possibly run part of one of your long runs with some of you, just to get out in 4 weeks or so.
Good luck with Rehab, we miss you out there, your Rockville Twiligher performance is still fresh in my mind.
I had the same hamstring injury my senior year of high school and it lasted until sophomore year of college. I finally overcame it by doing what you are doing. Cross friction massage on the site of injury to break up the scar tissue was key, as well as a variety of strengthening exercises involving resistance bands, fitness balls and Active Isolated stretching.
Hey man, keep your head up. The stength stuff will really help you once you get back on the road / track. I was off for 9 months (it was hell) and just started back this Jan and my workouts are close to what I was doing before getting injured. Now I have put on about 10lbs of weight but most is muscle and I think it really did help with me getting through workouts. Long runs are another story I say keep them under and hour until you get a good month or two of training under your belt. Good luck, I feel your pain.
I appreciate the feedback fella's. I will definitely use the advice.
I hope you get well soon, Joe!
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