Early weather reports suggest rain for the Marine Corps Marathon. Race time temperatures will be in the high 40s/low 50s. If the rain holds off this will be (near) ideal running conditions.
A more accurate prediction can be made on Friday...but what fun would that be.
For those who would like to spectate/support the GRC team on Sunday, let's do it in force! I'll look over the map and talk to the guys/gals and see where we are needed most.
I was thinking of getting a run in around the mall while cheering for our runners around mile 11 and 16 and then crossing Memorial Bridge to see them at mile 25.
Count me in!
Yea, I was planning on getting a relaxed long run in by running around cheering.
Maybe we could meet at the store around 9am when the runners pass by and then continue down to the mall and then over to arlington. I'm looking to go about 16mi or 2 hours
Sounds good. I will meet you folks at the store at 9am (on Sunday). I am looking for +/- 10.
I think we should meet a little earlier than 9 since they'll pass by the store before mile 9. How about 8:45?
I'll probably get out there earlier to catch them coming across the Key Bridge as well.
I say 8:15am...we can catch them at mile 4.75 too. I will draft a new post...
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